

prepared for 易世博 - Office of Institutional Advancement  by Kim Stemler ——主持人
易世博, in collaboration with the Salinas Valley Five Cities Board, hosted 五个 测量T 债券 Community Forums from August through December 2019.  的 report can be accessed on the link in the title above.


September 2018 - Community Forums 

Community Forums were held at three locations during the month of September 2018 to bring status and updated drawings of the 测度T债券 - Series A projects currently 在进行中. 
的 forums were held Sept. 9月12日(国王城. 6月26日和9月26日. 19(主校区).  Staff, students, local industry and the community members were all invited to come 去论坛.  
Leading the forums was Dr. Lewellen, Superintendent/President of 易世博.  He provided a brief history of the Bon measure, project highlights and introduced the respective Arhcitects for each 这些项目.  Key for the south county projects was the need to get students to school without spending hours on a bus.  
King City - Kasavan Architects; Soledad - [ISA] In Studio Architecture; gkkworks|CANNONDESIGN - Nursing and Health Sciences Building; and HGHB Architects and BFS Landscape Architects for 建立D and E renovations.  Each architect gave a presentation on the renderings brought for viewing at each forum.
Those presentations can be seen by clicking on the following links:


Through the presentations it was identified that for each project a "programming / design" committee comprised of staff, students, industry and community members was formed through the President's office.  Each of these committees met with the architects to identify what the projects need to look like, and what needs to be in them.  的 above architect presentations are a result of the information they gathered from these 会议.  Many concerns and needs were shared by the King City and Soledad committees.  Goals for building orientation were to keep primary entrance for accountablity and 安全.  Create space for communal learning, utilze the hallways and open areas.  的 new buildings will have a community room that can also double as a class room 如果有必要的话.  Science labs and dedicated student success areas completed the outline 这些项目. 

On the main campus, the new nursing building will double the current physical size 程序的.  State of the art simulation and skills labs will provide students with up to date resources.  的 building is focusing on current trends of health care to prepare the next generation of nurses.  的 landscape aids to connect this building with the existing buildings of the campus.  In Buildings D and E, the second and third floor class rooms will receive complete make overs.  From HVAC systems, to teaching technology will be installed in the new rooms.  的 offices will receive a "re-fresh" in new flooring, paint and furniture in the older offices. An exterior elevator will be added for better ADA access to the second and third floors.  四边形区域会 be completely renovated to tie in with the new nursing building and the existing buildings 在校园.